E’s Concept has been working with McDonald’s on various CSR and publicity programs since 2003. E’s Concept has been providing the publicity and event management services on various large scale Guinness Record Breaking events and charity programs for more than a decade long. McDonald’s Hong Kong would like to organize a breathtaking party to kick off the 35th anniversary campaign in 2010.

Concept Development | Publicity | Event Management | Design and Production
We played a twist and leveraged on the homonyms of the Chinese word “竹” and “慶祝” to create a Guinness Record Breaking event on “the largest bamboo dance” with 350 kids to celebrate McDonald’s 35 Anniversary during the Chinese Lunar New Year 2010. We aimed to inject the fun and energetic spirit of McDonald’s brand through the record breaking attempt of bamboo dance. In order to create an astonishing photo opportunity to mark this important milestone, a giant “M” shape was formed by 350 kids and McDonald’s staff floor-mark with the celebrities and Ronald McDonald stationed at the front of the media to lead the record breaking attempt. In order to enhance the branding exposure, we’ve tailor-made hats in fries shape and hamburgers shape with McDonald’s branded t-shirt for the participants while celebrities were dressed up with burger wrapping outfit. A vibrant group of drummers were also invited to say cheers to the participating kids and further heighten the celebrating mood.